Wednesday 17 June 2020

Road Trip Dental Options

It is now summer time and many people are starting to plan for their next vacation.  The covid-19 pandemic just occured, but it seems to be much less lethal and a little overblown so travel plans are starting to get back on track.  So what are some things that are really useful to have when you are out and about on a road trip?  The options are most likely limitless, but I like to remind people to not forget to take care of some of the simple basics.  So I want to go over a few dental hygiene products that you might consider picking up before you decide to take off for your first summer road trip.

First thing to do is head to your local grocery shop or pharmacy.  Most places have a great travel section at your local shopping center or pharmacy.  I do like pharmacies due to the knowledge base of their employees.  They seem to talk a little bit more to their customers and also seem to stock products that are more in demand from them.  But one way or the other if you have questions on dental health it's always best to give your actual dentist a quick call or even an email for questions.  You would be surprised at the reply rate from dentists because they don't get asked as many questions as you might think.  At least their staff is generally apt to reply pretty quickly.

Now let's get onto what to look for at these stores. First I suggest picking up one of the new travel brushes.  One it is nice to not take your regular toothbrush and possibly get dirty or grose at a new location.  Spending a dollar on a toothbrush that you won't mind getting messed up or destroyed is just a nice piece of mind.  The best thing about these new travel brushes in my mind is that they have suction cups on the bottom of most of them.  Or I suggest finding the ones that do.  This is because you don't need a toothbrush holder!  It just sticks to the sink you are going to be at and you don't have to put it away wet! You can let it dry on the sink before storing it! To me this is worth its weight in gold!.  Now look out for the mini flossing sticks that also have a toothpick on them. 

Eating new foods at places often leads to things getting stuck in your teeth and if you don't have a floss or toothpick available you could be miserable. Enjoy your trip!

Tooth needs replaced

There is a reason why many people are absolutely afraid of the dentist.  Many of them are nonsensical reasons but many of them are legitimate true fears.  Personally, my worst nightmares consist of tooth issues.  I dream many nights that I am getting a loose tooth or that I have actually lost a tooth and fear grips me like no other.  In reality I know that if I lost a tooth it would be an expensive and painful time and that always translates into my dreams as well. I am afraid of the cost and the intense pain that is always present in the idea of a missing tooth.  So what happens if you really do need a tooth to be replaced. What is the best route to do it and how much might it really be? Well this is a topic that I wanted to cover personally because I was a bit afraid of it myself.

The first thing to check into are the options available.  The first is simply the easiest one.  Let it go and don't do a single thing.  Some people look good with missing teeth or at least they look artistic, but I personally know I would look terrible with a missing tooth and would not be able to stand the idea of simply having a giant gap in my mouth.  Knowing that this would simply not be an acceptable option for me I would probably move for the least expensive fix. So what is that?

The least expensive way to fix a missing tooth is to replace it with dentures.  This means that your teeth are now a daily routine of glueing a tooth into your mouth every morning and taking it out at night.  This is socially acceptable when out and about but it also means that you are going to look like a buck toothed person at home.  That could really destroy your dating game or marriage life if you are married. Many spouses are visual people and that simply could be a big issue. So the least expensive fix may not be the right answer for some.  So what is the best option?

I happen to think the best option is getting a permanent dental implant.  This costs a little bit more but I am told it is also the best feeling. And looking and feeling natural is important to me.  So this is the option I would opt for.


Road Trip Dental Options

It is now summer time and many people are starting to plan for their next vacation.  The covid-19 pandemic just occured, but it seems to be ...